Aktualizace - 21.5.2018 [Changelog Editor]
Citát ze zdroje admin dne 15.8.2018, 13:35Nejedná se o aktualizaci jako takovou, ale spíš o zveřejnění všech úprav na Editoru, je to pořádná porce za kterou se skrývá hodně práce. Překlad až následně 🙂 Díky za pochopení.
- Fixed: Loading of old saves
- Fixed: Missing humidity when random map generated(edited)
- Fixed: Missing humidity when random map generated
- Fixed: Freeze when starting 2nd era
- Fixed: Town buildings generating + optimized
- Removed: Trace dump disabled until proper switch implemented
- Fixed: Another freeze when unable to place buildings
- Added: Support for save/load/delete scenarios
- Added: Support for start new game from saved map (scenario with erased artificial infrastructure)
- Added: Support for start new game from saved scenario
- Added: Possibility to load and save Heightmaps and masks
- Added: Planting trees based on density
- Added: Saving height map
- Added: Recompute humidity (grass color)
- Added: Place towns according to latitude/longitude
- Added: Terrain tools window
- Modified: Input box improvements (dark background, handling focus properly)
- Added: Editor keeps landscape when changing map size
- Added: 2 new heightmap filters (multiply and bias)
- Removed: Construction mud when in editor mode
- Added: Generating heightmap in editor mode
- Added: CPU filters (new tab, buttons, .. disabled for now, need to switch to GPU filters instead)
- Modified: Terrain tools window visible by default when starting editor
- Added: Generating / Removing separately plants, heightmap, towns, industries, humidity map
- Added: Input box able to restrict to number
- Added: Latitude Longitude for towns generation in editor (stores to setup.xml)
- Modified: Terrain tools window improvements
- Added: Europe heightmap
- Added: World largest 7000 towns
- Fixed: Default map coordinates now fits to Europe heightmap
- Modified: Towns in editor are sorted and placed from largest to smallest
- Modified: Towns are smaller (still according to its real size)
- Added: Number of towns is progressive according to map size (90/30/10).
- Fixed: Loading of bitmap where no imageSize filled into header (some OS?)
- Added: Map coordinates are visible in bottom right corner
- Fixed: Terrain tools are not available out of editor
- Modified: Some of Terrain tools window Button names
- Added: 4 script callbacks: OnIndustryTick(), OnEpochChange(int epochIndex), OnTokenChange(string hash, int delta), OnSecond()
- Fixed: Saving maps
- Added: Loading heightmap is now GPU-accelerated
- Modified: Terrain heightmap Filters tab is back again
- Modified: Heightmap support for jpg, png, dds
- Modified: Heightmap internally switched from 8bits to 32bits texture on GPU
- Added: Switch on/off terrain heightmap 32bit
- Modified: Iteration of GPU terrain routines
- Added: Auto recompute humidity after generation step
- Added: Asynchronous queue for filters
- Modified: Fixed new game map generating
- Fixed: UI Frame text alignment
- Added: GPU heightmap filters (Multiply, Bias, Blur, Median, Voronoi, VoronoiSmooth, Perlin, Gerstner, AdjustHeights, GeoNoise, WaterErosion)
- Modified: Voronoi and Voronoi Smooth are tileable to avoid different density on map borders
- Added: Amount scrollbar so now it is possible to combine more filters sequentially
- Added: Building buttons to Grow town and whole Delete town
- Fixed: Debug script output window
- Fixed: Town growing when missing road
- Modified: Raise number of arguments limit (16->64) for script function UpdateTextFormat
- Added: New song "Diesel time"
- Added: UI gradient window overlay
- Fixed: Building editor buttons properly limited to editor only (grow / delete town)
- Fixed: Deleting town with larger buildings (2*1 at least)
- Fixed: Crash when click on building
- Fixed: Not working Content tool colors
- Added: First version of terrain heightmap brushes (disabled for now)
- Added: Terrain raise in editor uses brushes instead
- Added: Editor can place all possible buildings
- Added: When saving in editor, not-available buildings in 1st era are removed and put to special list (type+pos+version)
- Added: Terrain changes per vertex (non-brush) are batched together
- Added: Brush hardness, brush size
- Added: Terrain brush visualization
- Added: Simplified rendering of screen quad
- Added: Brush paints to the texture first and once mouse released, texture is used as amount mask for effect
- Added: Optimization for brushes: Only affected area updated
- Added: Brush visualization on map no more uses line, only actual brush position
- Added: Rightclick to cancel brush
- Modified: Improved brushes / manual vertex edit / whole map filters
- Modified: Brush paints also when moving mouse over GUI windows
- Modified: Properly initialized GPU heightmap after editor start
- Modified: Intensity of some filters
- Modified: Filter tab UI polishing
- Modified: Tuned Filter tab in Terrain tools
- Modified: Mult / Div filter - now it ignores underwater terrain and scale down/up not to zero, but to sea level
- Modified: Splash screen shows Including Editor
- Fixed: Deadlock in async generation when staring new game
- Fixed: Compile time switch for terrain brushes
- Fixed: Water erosion when generating new map
- Fixed: Filters sometimes caused wrong results
- Fixed: Loading screen freeze until mouse moved
- Fixed: Runtime brush update
- Fixed: Whole map filters
- Fixed: Brush issue (streaks across the whole map) on first use
- Fixed: Wrong map shape when generate new map
- Fixed: Brush in construction mode
- Fixed: Map reset when restart editor
- Removed: Brush no more change its color according to brush amount
- Added: Texture initialization supports more formats
- Added: One param for each filter (it can be used for specifying filter function)
- Added: "Set" filter able to draw specific altitude
- Fixed: Device lost Cleared whole map
- Fixed: After load file into editor, editing cleared the map
- Fixed: Wrong tooltip after each brush application
- Fixed: Vertical scale of heightmap after load
- Fixed: Right bottom corner of map issues after using some filters
- Fixed: Brush wrongly applied when clicking on UI
- Fixed: Lowering map when painting using some filters
- Fixed: New map generating
- Added: New brush able to copy height from where painting started
- Modified: Hidden year in editor
- Added: Reset year when new game
- Added: Scrollbar in map selection in new game
- Fixed: Corrupted file when add industry in editor and save / load
- Fixed: erasing map in editor after load
- Fixed: Loading of textures having non power-of-2 size
- Fixed: Height scale when loading heightmap is 0-255 again
- Added: Autosave in editor
- Fixed: Buttons enlarge in non-town building window
- Fixed: Using buldozer on buildings in editor
- Added: Industries from other than 1st era are removed from custom map when starting new game
- Added: Custom industries are placed in each era, if not possible (due to not-empty space), placed within 20 tiles distance, if not possible, at least randomly
- Added: Undo (5 steps atm, using adaptive CPU mem. allocation)
- Modified: Undo has 10 steps
- Added: Undo UI, visualize num steps cached
- Added: Rivers brush
- Fixed: Crash when load heightmap, change map size, erase
- Added: Persistent per brush setup
- Modified: Brush strengths and default params
- Fixed: Loading flat heightmap
- Added: Plant brush (disabled - wip)
- Added: Script function IndustryGetType (returns hash of given industry object)
- Fixed: Watermark when loading map into editor
- Added: New brushes
- Modified: Switch versioning repository
- Added: Internal possibility to test load (reads only some basic info about the file without applying it)
- Fixed: Paragraph line
- Modified: Refactored town growing (building budgets)
- Added: Possibility to force building facing to road, including corners
- Modified: Editor map has always high sea level
- Modified: New game - custom maps window
- Added: Second stage of town buildings (WIP)
- Fixed: removing of bigger buildings
- Modified: Town growing improvements (upgrading buildings, roads)
- Added: Wind sound switch
- Modified: Improved town generating
- Modified: Recovery from some savefile coruptions
- Fixed: number of town buildings generating
- Removed: Asserts from release (without VC it caused crashes instead)
- Modified: Mods moved from media to mods directory
- Added: Possibility to use also directories inside mods as a mod
- Fixed: Erasing of towns when generate
- Modified: Erasing all buildings when changing map size
- Fixed: Towns 1x1 generating when used for the second time in editor
- Fixed: Industry generating when start new game
- Added: Optimized processing of UI add item list
- Added: Limit brush / filter to either under /above water
- Added: Map seed
- Fixed: Heightmap loading for the second+ time
- Fixed: Scaling heightmap when loading
- Fixed: Packages loading
- Fixed: Corupting save files by saving
- Added: Some test for save files error recovery
- Fixed: Random numbers generator (master vs slave logic fixed)
- Fixed: limit brushes to underwater / above water
- Fixed: bug with repeating of keystrokes
- Fixed: Baking textures
- Fixed: New game produces only 1/4 of a map
- Fixed: Far ambient BBoxes computing
- Modified: Switched positions Flatten and Set brushes
- Modified: Another iteration of steam workshop implementation
- Fixed: Town growing in editor
- Fixed: consistency of random numbers
- Fixed: When maximized, do not remember window size (keep one from normal window state)
- Fixed: Mods loading from zip, also switching every path to lower case
- Fixed: reusing of map cache (performance ~5% improvements)
- Fixed: unpacked mods
- Fixed: icon
- Modified: Improved custom map window
- Modified: steam workshop iteration
- Added: After terrain brushes, all affected map objects are tested and removed if not suitable terrain
- Modified: Speedup main menu
- Added: Map Size Filters when browsing custom maps
- Added: Brush for planting trees
- Added: Brush for removing trees
- Modified: Texts
- Fixed: Newgame window size
- Fixed: Copying artificial plants when generat new map
- Fixed: Town (+industry) names when start custom map
- Fixed: Number of towns displayed in right bottom corner
- Fixed: Randomly spread buildings
- Fixed: removing of roads by plant brush
- Fixed: Multiple industries generated when start custom map
- Removed: Autosaves from new custom map menu
- Fixed: Tree brush hides forest model
- Added: Limit for custom map count
- Fixed: generating on low/med/high presets
- Modified: Hidden date in editor except month
- Fixed: Crash when generate trees -> change map size
- Modified: moved plants to landscape generator so it cooperate easily with brushes
- Fixed: Industry start positions & names
- Added: Basic FBX generator
- Fixed: Generating editor trees followed by painting them
- Fixed: Missing shadows
- Modified: Town generating
- Modified: New game window (custom map info is loaded only one on request)
- Added: Input box now supports multiline
- Added: Map description (wip)
- Added: windows can have fixed width of right half (not only left one)
- Fixed: Low/Med/High town count when generating in editor
- Added: Remove whole town when main building removed
- Fixed: Town/building icon altitude when modify heightmap
- Modified: Town do not remove its building so often
- Fixed: New era buildings positioning
- Fixed: Missing shadows
- Fixed: Advanced New game Params are applied also to custom maps
- Added: Possibility to add custom map description (with images etc.)
- Modified: Script for ruined church is now able to search for existing one instead of create new one (custom maps)
- Added: Sorting industry icons in build tool according to their start era
- Added: Autowrap text in input box
- Added: clip text into input box
- Added: Scrollbar in Custom map description (new game window)
- Modified: Increased custom maps limit to 512
- Fixed: Crash in editor
- Fixed: Reassign town when town it's is removed
- Added: Icons & Help for plant brushes, under/above water
- Modified: Roads placed in editor belongs to towns
- Modified: Copy build media batch file
- Fixed: Asznchronouse Undo list issue
- Fixed: Memory overflow (reading uniform string from file
- Fixed: Town growing
- Fixed: Town captions
- Fixed: loading of longer strings
- Modified: Minimal resolution raised from 800600 to 1024?/?*720
- Fixed: Column width in new game - custom maps - map info
- Added: Localized Terrain tools + Terrain brushes window captions
- Added: Many editor related tooltips
- Removed: Wrong tooltip with tutorial string
- Fixed: Credits
- Modified: Terrain tools buttons scaled up by 20px each to fit translated texts
- Added: DbgTextClear() script function
- Modified: Localized texts
- Added: Humidity brushes
- Added: (WIP) Humidity after device lost restore
- Fixed: Humidity paint brush
- Added: New game -> Advanced -> back returns to previous tab
- Modified: New texts version
- Fixed: Random spread of generated buildings
- Fixed: Brushes remove bridges and tunnels
- Fixed: Changing of map size in editor cause brushes to generate holes or other issues
- Fixed: Vegetation checks suitable terrain after using brushes
- Fixed: Using automatic humidity map generating and than humidity brushes
- Fixed: Manual trees placing and than using tree brushes
- Fixed: Shadow clipping to early in a distance
- Modified: Shadow quality vs distance improved, improved shadow bias 10x
- Added: Plant / Humidity tooltips
- Modified: Humidity brushes and editor icon
- Fixed: using random tree and than tree brush
- Fixed: Save/Load heightmap scale
- Modified: New localized text version
- Modified: Better shadow fading in a distance
- Added: Mod with Elishka steam engine
- Modified: Date progress in editor turned off
- Modified: removed not finished (locked eras) buildings from construction menu
- Fixed: Not-growing towns
- Fixed: Placing industry searched for closest towns also in non-existing towns
- Fixed: in paused game, towns got number of passagners from surrounding builngs
- Modified: latest translated texts version
- Fixed: Humidity reset when used undo step
- Fixed: Available industry buildings only in editor + quest buildings
- Modified: Turned off time in editor
Nejedná se o aktualizaci jako takovou, ale spíš o zveřejnění všech úprav na Editoru, je to pořádná porce za kterou se skrývá hodně práce. Překlad až následně 🙂 Díky za pochopení.
- Fixed: Loading of old saves
- Fixed: Missing humidity when random map generated(edited)
- Fixed: Missing humidity when random map generated
- Fixed: Freeze when starting 2nd era
- Fixed: Town buildings generating + optimized
- Removed: Trace dump disabled until proper switch implemented
- Fixed: Another freeze when unable to place buildings
- Added: Support for save/load/delete scenarios
- Added: Support for start new game from saved map (scenario with erased artificial infrastructure)
- Added: Support for start new game from saved scenario
- Added: Possibility to load and save Heightmaps and masks
- Added: Planting trees based on density
- Added: Saving height map
- Added: Recompute humidity (grass color)
- Added: Place towns according to latitude/longitude
- Added: Terrain tools window
- Modified: Input box improvements (dark background, handling focus properly)
- Added: Editor keeps landscape when changing map size
- Added: 2 new heightmap filters (multiply and bias)
- Removed: Construction mud when in editor mode
- Added: Generating heightmap in editor mode
- Added: CPU filters (new tab, buttons, .. disabled for now, need to switch to GPU filters instead)
- Modified: Terrain tools window visible by default when starting editor
- Added: Generating / Removing separately plants, heightmap, towns, industries, humidity map
- Added: Input box able to restrict to number
- Added: Latitude Longitude for towns generation in editor (stores to setup.xml)
- Modified: Terrain tools window improvements
- Added: Europe heightmap
- Added: World largest 7000 towns
- Fixed: Default map coordinates now fits to Europe heightmap
- Modified: Towns in editor are sorted and placed from largest to smallest
- Modified: Towns are smaller (still according to its real size)
- Added: Number of towns is progressive according to map size (90/30/10).
- Fixed: Loading of bitmap where no imageSize filled into header (some OS?)
- Added: Map coordinates are visible in bottom right corner
- Fixed: Terrain tools are not available out of editor
- Modified: Some of Terrain tools window Button names
- Added: 4 script callbacks: OnIndustryTick(), OnEpochChange(int epochIndex), OnTokenChange(string hash, int delta), OnSecond()
- Fixed: Saving maps
- Added: Loading heightmap is now GPU-accelerated
- Modified: Terrain heightmap Filters tab is back again
- Modified: Heightmap support for jpg, png, dds
- Modified: Heightmap internally switched from 8bits to 32bits texture on GPU
- Added: Switch on/off terrain heightmap 32bit
- Modified: Iteration of GPU terrain routines
- Added: Auto recompute humidity after generation step
- Added: Asynchronous queue for filters
- Modified: Fixed new game map generating
- Fixed: UI Frame text alignment
- Added: GPU heightmap filters (Multiply, Bias, Blur, Median, Voronoi, VoronoiSmooth, Perlin, Gerstner, AdjustHeights, GeoNoise, WaterErosion)
- Modified: Voronoi and Voronoi Smooth are tileable to avoid different density on map borders
- Added: Amount scrollbar so now it is possible to combine more filters sequentially
- Added: Building buttons to Grow town and whole Delete town
- Fixed: Debug script output window
- Fixed: Town growing when missing road
- Modified: Raise number of arguments limit (16->64) for script function UpdateTextFormat
- Added: New song "Diesel time"
- Added: UI gradient window overlay
- Fixed: Building editor buttons properly limited to editor only (grow / delete town)
- Fixed: Deleting town with larger buildings (2*1 at least)
- Fixed: Crash when click on building
- Fixed: Not working Content tool colors
- Added: First version of terrain heightmap brushes (disabled for now)
- Added: Terrain raise in editor uses brushes instead
- Added: Editor can place all possible buildings
- Added: When saving in editor, not-available buildings in 1st era are removed and put to special list (type+pos+version)
- Added: Terrain changes per vertex (non-brush) are batched together
- Added: Brush hardness, brush size
- Added: Terrain brush visualization
- Added: Simplified rendering of screen quad
- Added: Brush paints to the texture first and once mouse released, texture is used as amount mask for effect
- Added: Optimization for brushes: Only affected area updated
- Added: Brush visualization on map no more uses line, only actual brush position
- Added: Rightclick to cancel brush
- Modified: Improved brushes / manual vertex edit / whole map filters
- Modified: Brush paints also when moving mouse over GUI windows
- Modified: Properly initialized GPU heightmap after editor start
- Modified: Intensity of some filters
- Modified: Filter tab UI polishing
- Modified: Tuned Filter tab in Terrain tools
- Modified: Mult / Div filter - now it ignores underwater terrain and scale down/up not to zero, but to sea level
- Modified: Splash screen shows Including Editor
- Fixed: Deadlock in async generation when staring new game
- Fixed: Compile time switch for terrain brushes
- Fixed: Water erosion when generating new map
- Fixed: Filters sometimes caused wrong results
- Fixed: Loading screen freeze until mouse moved
- Fixed: Runtime brush update
- Fixed: Whole map filters
- Fixed: Brush issue (streaks across the whole map) on first use
- Fixed: Wrong map shape when generate new map
- Fixed: Brush in construction mode
- Fixed: Map reset when restart editor
- Removed: Brush no more change its color according to brush amount
- Added: Texture initialization supports more formats
- Added: One param for each filter (it can be used for specifying filter function)
- Added: "Set" filter able to draw specific altitude
- Fixed: Device lost Cleared whole map
- Fixed: After load file into editor, editing cleared the map
- Fixed: Wrong tooltip after each brush application
- Fixed: Vertical scale of heightmap after load
- Fixed: Right bottom corner of map issues after using some filters
- Fixed: Brush wrongly applied when clicking on UI
- Fixed: Lowering map when painting using some filters
- Fixed: New map generating
- Added: New brush able to copy height from where painting started
- Modified: Hidden year in editor
- Added: Reset year when new game
- Added: Scrollbar in map selection in new game
- Fixed: Corrupted file when add industry in editor and save / load
- Fixed: erasing map in editor after load
- Fixed: Loading of textures having non power-of-2 size
- Fixed: Height scale when loading heightmap is 0-255 again
- Added: Autosave in editor
- Fixed: Buttons enlarge in non-town building window
- Fixed: Using buldozer on buildings in editor
- Added: Industries from other than 1st era are removed from custom map when starting new game
- Added: Custom industries are placed in each era, if not possible (due to not-empty space), placed within 20 tiles distance, if not possible, at least randomly
- Added: Undo (5 steps atm, using adaptive CPU mem. allocation)
- Modified: Undo has 10 steps
- Added: Undo UI, visualize num steps cached
- Added: Rivers brush
- Fixed: Crash when load heightmap, change map size, erase
- Added: Persistent per brush setup
- Modified: Brush strengths and default params
- Fixed: Loading flat heightmap
- Added: Plant brush (disabled - wip)
- Added: Script function IndustryGetType (returns hash of given industry object)
- Fixed: Watermark when loading map into editor
- Added: New brushes
- Modified: Switch versioning repository
- Added: Internal possibility to test load (reads only some basic info about the file without applying it)
- Fixed: Paragraph line
- Modified: Refactored town growing (building budgets)
- Added: Possibility to force building facing to road, including corners
- Modified: Editor map has always high sea level
- Modified: New game - custom maps window
- Added: Second stage of town buildings (WIP)
- Fixed: removing of bigger buildings
- Modified: Town growing improvements (upgrading buildings, roads)
- Added: Wind sound switch
- Modified: Improved town generating
- Modified: Recovery from some savefile coruptions
- Fixed: number of town buildings generating
- Removed: Asserts from release (without VC it caused crashes instead)
- Modified: Mods moved from media to mods directory
- Added: Possibility to use also directories inside mods as a mod
- Fixed: Erasing of towns when generate
- Modified: Erasing all buildings when changing map size
- Fixed: Towns 1x1 generating when used for the second time in editor
- Fixed: Industry generating when start new game
- Added: Optimized processing of UI add item list
- Added: Limit brush / filter to either under /above water
- Added: Map seed
- Fixed: Heightmap loading for the second+ time
- Fixed: Scaling heightmap when loading
- Fixed: Packages loading
- Fixed: Corupting save files by saving
- Added: Some test for save files error recovery
- Fixed: Random numbers generator (master vs slave logic fixed)
- Fixed: limit brushes to underwater / above water
- Fixed: bug with repeating of keystrokes
- Fixed: Baking textures
- Fixed: New game produces only 1/4 of a map
- Fixed: Far ambient BBoxes computing
- Modified: Switched positions Flatten and Set brushes
- Modified: Another iteration of steam workshop implementation
- Fixed: Town growing in editor
- Fixed: consistency of random numbers
- Fixed: When maximized, do not remember window size (keep one from normal window state)
- Fixed: Mods loading from zip, also switching every path to lower case
- Fixed: reusing of map cache (performance ~5% improvements)
- Fixed: unpacked mods
- Fixed: icon
- Modified: Improved custom map window
- Modified: steam workshop iteration
- Added: After terrain brushes, all affected map objects are tested and removed if not suitable terrain
- Modified: Speedup main menu
- Added: Map Size Filters when browsing custom maps
- Added: Brush for planting trees
- Added: Brush for removing trees
- Modified: Texts
- Fixed: Newgame window size
- Fixed: Copying artificial plants when generat new map
- Fixed: Town (+industry) names when start custom map
- Fixed: Number of towns displayed in right bottom corner
- Fixed: Randomly spread buildings
- Fixed: removing of roads by plant brush
- Fixed: Multiple industries generated when start custom map
- Removed: Autosaves from new custom map menu
- Fixed: Tree brush hides forest model
- Added: Limit for custom map count
- Fixed: generating on low/med/high presets
- Modified: Hidden date in editor except month
- Fixed: Crash when generate trees -> change map size
- Modified: moved plants to landscape generator so it cooperate easily with brushes
- Fixed: Industry start positions & names
- Added: Basic FBX generator
- Fixed: Generating editor trees followed by painting them
- Fixed: Missing shadows
- Modified: Town generating
- Modified: New game window (custom map info is loaded only one on request)
- Added: Input box now supports multiline
- Added: Map description (wip)
- Added: windows can have fixed width of right half (not only left one)
- Fixed: Low/Med/High town count when generating in editor
- Added: Remove whole town when main building removed
- Fixed: Town/building icon altitude when modify heightmap
- Modified: Town do not remove its building so often
- Fixed: New era buildings positioning
- Fixed: Missing shadows
- Fixed: Advanced New game Params are applied also to custom maps
- Added: Possibility to add custom map description (with images etc.)
- Modified: Script for ruined church is now able to search for existing one instead of create new one (custom maps)
- Added: Sorting industry icons in build tool according to their start era
- Added: Autowrap text in input box
- Added: clip text into input box
- Added: Scrollbar in Custom map description (new game window)
- Modified: Increased custom maps limit to 512
- Fixed: Crash in editor
- Fixed: Reassign town when town it's is removed
- Added: Icons & Help for plant brushes, under/above water
- Modified: Roads placed in editor belongs to towns
- Modified: Copy build media batch file
- Fixed: Asznchronouse Undo list issue
- Fixed: Memory overflow (reading uniform string from file
- Fixed: Town growing
- Fixed: Town captions
- Fixed: loading of longer strings
- Modified: Minimal resolution raised from 800600 to 1024?/?*720
- Fixed: Column width in new game - custom maps - map info
- Added: Localized Terrain tools + Terrain brushes window captions
- Added: Many editor related tooltips
- Removed: Wrong tooltip with tutorial string
- Fixed: Credits
- Modified: Terrain tools buttons scaled up by 20px each to fit translated texts
- Added: DbgTextClear() script function
- Modified: Localized texts
- Added: Humidity brushes
- Added: (WIP) Humidity after device lost restore
- Fixed: Humidity paint brush
- Added: New game -> Advanced -> back returns to previous tab
- Modified: New texts version
- Fixed: Random spread of generated buildings
- Fixed: Brushes remove bridges and tunnels
- Fixed: Changing of map size in editor cause brushes to generate holes or other issues
- Fixed: Vegetation checks suitable terrain after using brushes
- Fixed: Using automatic humidity map generating and than humidity brushes
- Fixed: Manual trees placing and than using tree brushes
- Fixed: Shadow clipping to early in a distance
- Modified: Shadow quality vs distance improved, improved shadow bias 10x
- Added: Plant / Humidity tooltips
- Modified: Humidity brushes and editor icon
- Fixed: using random tree and than tree brush
- Fixed: Save/Load heightmap scale
- Modified: New localized text version
- Modified: Better shadow fading in a distance
- Added: Mod with Elishka steam engine
- Modified: Date progress in editor turned off
- Modified: removed not finished (locked eras) buildings from construction menu
- Fixed: Not-growing towns
- Fixed: Placing industry searched for closest towns also in non-existing towns
- Fixed: in paused game, towns got number of passagners from surrounding builngs
- Modified: latest translated texts version
- Fixed: Humidity reset when used undo step
- Fixed: Available industry buildings only in editor + quest buildings
- Modified: Turned off time in editor